Bringing live plants inside workplace adds a breath of life to the space. With a touch of green you can enhance the aesthetic look of the reception/lobby area or make the stuffy conference room more inviting. It is proven that people are most optimum when closer to nature so allow our creative design team to bring nature indoors to your workplace.
Our maintenance team has over 30 years of experience maintaining plants in indoor and exterior container setting. With careful monitoring of plant health, soil moisture content, temperature and surround environment, our team focuses on maintaining and protecting the health of your plant investments. Our maintenance packages are designed to fit all budgets and needs. Give us a call and experience a first class service for your green investments
- We provide free guarantee replacements. If a plant is deteriorating under our watch, we replace it with a new plant
- Our team also utilizes the latest technology to continuously evaluate the health of the plants
- Management builds relationship with each client and performs a quality visit to ensure that client experience highest level of customer experience
Proven, Professional Results
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